
Actualités Education

L'actualité de l'ESILV

A Corporate & Cyber Resilience Seminar at ESILV by Dr Paul Theron
02 Jul 2024 /
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In collaboration with Dr Paul Theron, ESILV organized a comprehensive 30-hour seminar on cyber resilience for its apprentice fourth-year students. The seminar featured a blend of lectures and hands-on crisis management exercises. The objective was to simultaneously take these 180 students on an intensive classroom course, get them to think and work in teams on […]

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How to Bridge the Gap Between Engineering Education and Industry Needs
04 Apr 2024 /
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The chasm between traditional engineering education and the industry’s dynamic needs has been a formidable challenge. Bridging this gap is no longer just beneficial but essential for preparing a new generation of engineers who are equipped to tackle the complex problems of today and tomorrow.

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What Role Do Interdisciplinary Studies Play in Engineering Education?
14 Mar 2024 /
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In the evolving landscape of engineering education, interdisciplinary studies emerge as vital bridges, connecting the rigor of engineering principles with the vast expanse of other disciplines such as business, design, and environmental science. This fusion of knowledge enriches aspiring engineers’ educational journey and equips them with the versatile toolkit needed to tackle complex, real-world problems.

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How to Leverage Engineering Internships for Learning, Growth, and Professional Advancement
07 Mar 2024 /
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Embarking on an engineering internship can be a gateway for students to transform their theoretical knowledge into practical skills, forge invaluable professional connections, and pave the way for a flourishing career in engineering. This journey requires careful navigation to ensure every ounce of value is extracted from this pivotal experience.

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The Race Against Obsolescence: Keeping Engineering Skills Relevant in a Fast-Evolving World
14 Dec 2023 /
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In the dynamic realm of engineering, staying relevant is not just a goal but a necessity. The rapid advancement of technologies like Artificial Intelligence, sustainable energy solutions, and advanced materials constantly reshape the landscape, presenting challenges and opportunities.

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Demystifying Engineering Education: What to Expect in a Grande Ecole Programme in France
16 Nov 2023 /
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Engineering is a field that has always shaped the future through innovation and technical expertise, and it has found a distinguished home in France’s Grande Ecole system. This esteemed educational model, known for its selective nature and prestigious standing, offers a unique and enriching path for those pursuing a Master’s in Engineering.

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Why Employers Value Graduates from Accredited Engineering Schools
19 Oct 2023 /
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In today’s competitive engineering scene, employers are constantly looking for candidates who can bring both technical and extremely important soft skills to the table. Graduates from top engineering schools are often held in high regard by employers for good reason.

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Julia, high-level sporting career: Junior World Cup fencing medallist
26 Sep 2023 /
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At 19, Julia is currently in her first year at ESILV. Her favourite sport is fencing, a discipline she has worked up with passion and perseverance. She has already had the opportunity to represent France on the international stage. Engineering and fencing fulfil her career. It’s a sporting adventure that began a few years ago, […]

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