What first comes to mind when talking about “engineering”? Probably math, physics, finance, technology, but it’s not all as analytical as one might think.
The engineering world is, without a doubt, fascinating. All jokes aside, some of the greatest inventions were made by genius engineers who combined creativity, innovation, and practicality into one concrete idea; however, there’s always a bit of fun behind the scenes, which makes engineering even more intriguing. Here are 10 fun facts that are just playing cool.
The Origin of the Word “Engineering”
The word “engineer” comes from the medieval Latin word “ingeniator,” which comes from “ingeniare” meaning clever; native talent. It sounds like the original engineers were known for their creative cleverness and ingenuity.
Engineering World Meets Fashion?
It’s not common knowledge but it was an engineer that design running shoes. How so? They determine how much force travels from the pavement through the shoe to the foot. Through their calculations and design, weight is dispersed through the entire foot, allowing better performance and comfort!
Sports Fans Say “Ay”!
Engineering is heavily involved in sports. From designing and building various styles of bikes to discovering that the little compressions on golf balls can make the ball soar farther! What makes engineering so cool is that it doesn’t conform to any norm, it just creates and improves all industries.
Branches in the Engineering World
They include aerospace, biomedical, chemical, civil, computer, electrical, environmental, forensic, genetic, mechanical, military, nuclear, reverse, software and structural. Not bad at all!
Actually, ESiLV graduate school of engineering, offers interdisciplinary programs that are supported by multidisciplinary research and a quick of fresh entrepreneurial spirit. All for the purpose of innovating and managing projects in an ever-changing world.
Pass me the Remote!
In 1901, the Spanish engineer Leonar do Torres-Quevedo was responsible for the earliest developments of the remote control with his Telekine that was able to do “mechanical movements at a distance.”
The Engineering World Stole the Show
Particularly mechanical engineering. This branch in Engineering is called as Father, Mother, and King of all branches. As a matter of fact, students worldwide from this branch often say ‘We Are Royal Mech’. Some find it pretentious while others take pride in it!
The First Female Engineer
Elisa Leonida Zamfirescu was the first female Engineer in the world to receive a degree in Engineering. Girl power!
Oldest Branch of the Field
It’s civil engineering; all the way from the stone age and encompasses a variety of sub-disciplines and jobs.
What About the Snowboard?
Well, you guessed it, it was invented by an engineer. Serman Poppen created a winter toy for his daughter, by bolting two snow skis together and attaching a rope to the front. From this “Snurfer” and after various refinements and technical modifications, the modern snowboard evolved into what we know today.
And… Action!
To all cinema fans out there, movies like Lord of the Rings or Star Wars would not have been possible without the intensive collaboration between animators and engineers to create digital images that look real by using Morphing technology.
Need more convincing about the diversity of engineers? Discover this world through the projects of ESiLV students!