
Actualités Student Life

L'actualité de l'ESILV

2019 France Robotics Pre-Cup: High Spirits at Pole Léonard de Vinci!
23 Apr 2019 /
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The first edition of the 2019 France Robotics Pre-Cup at Pole Léonard de Vinci! A training session organized by the DaVinciBot association before the French Robotics Cup which will take place from May 30th till June 1st in La-Roche-sur-Yon, Vendée. Six engineering schools faced off, including ESILV: ENSIM, INSA, ESEO, EPITA, and IN’TECH. Each team […]

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Twizy Contest: The ParkPing team on the podium, winning The Best Pitch Award
11 Apr 2019 /
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Twizy Contest is a competition on the theme of tomorrow’s mobility. The ESILV ParkPing team finished finalist and climbed onto the podium. The jury also awarded the team The Best Pitch Award. Everyone knows the Twizy, this little Renault electric car for two passengers. Groupe Renault and Segula Technologies have joined their forces to launch […]

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The 5 Engineer Personalities We All Have on Our Team
09 Apr 2019 /
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Creating the perfect team of engineers is very critical for the success or failure of any project. With different types of positions and personalities working on an uncountable number of different tasks, it would be interesting to discover the different engineer profiles we can spot in every team, and the skills of each one of […]

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A “Limitless” TEDx organized at Pôle Léonard de Vinci
26 Mar 2019 /
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Pushing one’s own limits, improving oneself, going beyond one’s comfort zone… A TEDx was held at Pôle Léonard de Vinci on the theme “Limitless”. Seven speakers from different backgrounds followed one another for a speech not exceeding 18 minutes each. TEDx conferences are organized independently of the TED organization. They aim to bring together communities […]

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Women engineers and technicians sensitize middle school girls to their profession
12 Mar 2019 /
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Many girls wonder about their orientation (as an engineer) before embarking on higher education. The French associations Elles bougent and the UPSTI sensitize them on all the avenues available to them by organizing “The Sciences of the Female Engineer“, under the High Patronage of the Ministry of National Education and Youth. At the end of […]

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In the heart of Hive, the first building in the world certified ISO 50001, with students-engineer in New Energies
05 Mar 2019 /
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Students in New Energies major at ESILV visited Hive: the international headquarters of Schneider Electric, the first building in the world certified ISO 50001 and the first building in France to be triply certified ISO 14001, a good example of energy efficiency. As part of the Pole Leonard de Vinci’s corporate partnerships, Schneider Electric invited […]

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Overview of the industrial innovation projects made by the 5th year engineering students
21 Feb 2019 /
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Students in the final year of their engineering cycle presented their innovative project. The jury noted the teams. Back to the event and focus on the three best projects. Industrial innovation projects carried out by students are related to their specialization. Beautiful achievements after almost five years of study! Prototypes for companies SMS telepathy, an […]

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A Dog on Campus for a Year? It’s Oxley, Future Guide Dog!
25 Oct 2018 /
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They never part. David Dupuis, ESILV Class of 2016 and PhD student at De Vinci Research Center in partnership with Kwanko, welcomed a young labrador meant to become guide dog for the visually impaired. During a year, he will raise him and must have him by his side at all times, including at work, at […]

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Technical Associations in Engineering School: Life-Size Projects and Competitions
28 Jun 2018 /
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Putting theory into practice, taking part in projects and national competitions, satisfying a passion: focus on ESILV’s technical associations. There are no higher education institutions without student associations. With over 40 of them, the Pôle Léonard de Vinci’s schools are no exception to this rule. ESILV values and support the creation of associations by students. […]

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Association Vinci International Student Team Joins the Erasmus Student Network
21 Jun 2018 /
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The student association in charge of welcoming incoming international students on the campus of ESILV is a new member of the Erasmus Student Network. ESN aims to support and develop student exchange. Each year, ESILV students from year 3 to 5 study abroad for a semester or more while international students from all over the […]

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Microsoft Imagine Cup 2018: a Team from ESILV to Compete in the French Final
03 Apr 2018 /
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Imagine Cup, Microsoft’s innovation competition, brings together students from all over the world. The 2018 edition challenges teams to come up with an artificial intelligence solution which integrates a software module from the Microsoft Azure Cloud. Imagine Cup promotes and supports student projects, applications, devices or games, which aim to change the world. Clever Cooker […]

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A 3D Printed Open Source Robot : DaVinciBot and the InMoov Project
01 Mar 2018 /
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Pôle Léonard de Vinci’s robotics association is taking part in the InMoov adventure, a collaborative open source project enabling the 3D printing of a humanoid robot, its construction and programming. InMoov is the first DIY open source robot one can print in 3D, build and program. The InMoov project was launched in 2012 by French […]

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