After a first selection phase involving the participation of more than 60 teams in tackling new challenges related to cybersecurity issues, the students of ESILV emerged as the winners!
In mid-February, the Cyber Challenge 2023 final took place at Campus Cyber, a project initiated by the French government and considered as the totem of cybersecurity. ESILV, the De Vinci Higher Education Engineering School, is a member of Campus Cyber, as a key player in cybersecurity in France.
An opportunity for Cyber enthusiasts
After winning various stages to reach victory finally, ESILV students won the technical test. The Cyber Challenge is an initiative that mobilises and strongly encourages constructing a safer and more responsible digital society.
The winning duo is Clovis Carlier and Thomas Guillemet, both class of 2023, students in IT, IOT & Security major and members of DaVinciCode, De Vinci Higher Education’s cybersecurity association.
The IT, IOT & Security major trains computer science engineers with a solid security culture for systems and connected objects, from their design phase to their integration into corporate ecosystems. The ANSSI has awarded the course with the SecNumedu label.

DaVinciCode, De Vinci Higher Education’s cybersecurity association.
The CyberChallenge 2023
Organised by HeadMind Partners, a major player in cybersecurity, digital projects, and artificial intelligence consulting, the Cyber Challenge is a competition that brings together students from engineering schools interested in cybersecurity or good skills to showcase.
This year, to participate, the Cyber Challenge proposed to choose a specific theme, namely “What are the first reactions to have in case of cyberwar?” and “How can companies producing connected cars ensure the digital security of their products?”
The invitation consisted of a face-to-face test of the student’s technical or functional skills in one of the two case studies chosen to determine first, second, and third place.
The competition in detail
In teams of two, the students put their skills to the test on the technical course, whose challenges are Web, Forensic, Brute Force, or functional course. The challenge consists of providing a constructed response to current cybersecurity issues with the help of support.
Firstly, a selection test took place remotely. Competitors had four days to send in their answers at their convenience. Then, a trial took place during a face-to-face afternoon at Campus Cyber (Paris).
For the technical test, the ranking was established according to the steps validated and the time taken to answer each part. For the functional test, the task was to produce a response support. The relevance of the answer was assessed !
In both cases, the evaluation was carried out by a jury of cybersecurity professionals.
After a final test, the grand final at the Campus Cyber!
The ten finalist teams met at Campus Cyber for a final round of their course. At the end of these tests, the jury met to establish the ranking of the teams of each course. The ranking was then announced at a cocktail party attended by all the participants.
Learn more about the IT, IOT & Security major