

ESILV Graduate School of Engineering News

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Industry 4.0: Hands-on Projects in Engineering School
11 May 2021 /
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Industry 4.0 is here and is revolutionizing working life, thus transforming the engineers’ jobs. Advanced robotics and digital manufacturing come with their array of challenges that require new skills to make them more capable than robots, AI, and algorithms. To ensure the future success of its graduates, the ESILV engineering school focuses on hands-on projects […]

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Study Abroad in France: Eugen from Romania, Exchange Student at ESILV
27 Apr 2021 /
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An engineering student exchange in France is not just an average trip abroad – it is a lesson for life and an ideal starting point in a young engineer’s career. Eugen, a Romanian computer science student, chose ESILV for his Erasmus exchange in France, which led him into an internship at Deezer in Paris. Eugen […]

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Mon Super Voisin, cofounded by Sylvain Beral, 2016 alumnus, raises €1M after its pivot
20 Apr 2021 /
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Include complementary services to add value to the shopping experience for French majors retailers’ clients and improve customer satisfaction. That’s the pivot that Mon Super Voisin, co-founded by Sylvain Beral, class of 2016, has made. The start-up has raised €1 million to target large national stores such as Mr Bricolage and E. Leclerc. Sylvain Beral, […]

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Dream Research : Art and Science Meet at De Vinci Innovation Center
13 Apr 2021 /
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Unleash the subconscious power through AI to explore high-dimensional space and be connected to Mother Earth even more intensively as a human being. It’s the aim of The Wandering Mind, a dream research project that bridges art and science at De Vinci Innovation Center. The Pole Leonard de Vinci’s transdisciplinary research lab was home to MIT graduates […]

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Smart City Solutions : Three Engineering Projects focused on Sustainable Energy
06 Apr 2021 /
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With the surge of smart city solutions and initiatives, cleaner, smart energy demands become more apparent. ESILV students specialise in developing greener and more sustainable energy alternatives through project-based, collaborative work. Smart city development is a flourishing market and innovative energy technologies are part of a broader transition to self-reliant and sustainable homes, communities and […]

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DaVinciCTF, a Cyber Security “Capture the Flag” Event Organized by Digiteam
30 Mar 2021 /
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The “CTF” (Capture the Flag) cybersecurity competition organized by DigiTeam Devinci, the Pole Leonard de Vinci’s IT association, pitted 661 international teams against each other for 48 hours, bringing together 1,000 participants. The DaVinciCTF is the cybersecurity competition proposed by the DigiTeam student organization as part of the 4th-year industrial innovation projects of the engineering […]

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Learning Blockchain in Engineering School : three ESILV Projects
23 Mar 2021 /
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As blockchain continues to revolutionize our world, ESILV students learn new skills to perform in the Blockchain space optimally. The engineering projects provide hands-on experience on the technologies that are transforming the way we complete transactions. The fifth-year industrial innovation projects include partnerships with companies, startups and research labs that enable students to promote their work […]

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Rough Is Not so Tough : Fast Hybrid Schemes for Fractional Riccati Equations
16 Mar 2021 /
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Martino Grasselli, a doctor in Quantitative Finance and professor-researcher at ESILV School of Engineering, is the co-author of an article titled “Fast Hybrid Schemes for Fractional Riccati Equations (Rough Is Not so Tough)”, published in the international journal “Mathematics of Operations Research”.  Martino Grasselli is the head of the Finance Group at the De Vinci Research Center […]

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Six Kickstarter Projects launched by the Innovation, Research & Manufacturing students
09 Mar 2021 /
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The Innovation, Research & Manufacturing students participated in a program in collaboration with Kickstarter, the go-to crowdfunding platform for creative projects.  Six ESILV teams from the Devinci Innovation Center’s Innovation, Research & Manufacturing programme launched crowdfunding campaigns on Kickstarter to raise funds and support for their small-scale projects. Under the guidance of Oscar Lhermitte, the […]

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Final-Year Engineering Students Projects: Class 2021’s Online Showroom
02 Mar 2021 /
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ESILV engineering students can choose their final year projects in specialized study areas to acquire practical knowledge and build niche skills in that domain. Students can solve challenges posed by startups, leading companies and engineering school technical associations. The ESILV School of Engineering launched an online showroom to display final-year student projects. A modular and […]

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Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies: An ESILV Success Story that has been running since 2015
09 Feb 2021 /
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When bitcoin is reaching new all-time highs, we take a closer look at the concrete initiatives taken at ESILV, the Pole Leonard de Vinci engineering school, and how they relate to the development of blockchains and cryptocurrency. ESILV is a pioneer in the teaching and development of these technologies at the crossroads of finance, mathematics […]

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Creating Smart Materials at the De Vinci Innovation Center
02 Feb 2021 /
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Smart materials are increasingly being used in all spheres, including health care. At the De Vinci Innovation Center, ESILV students work on several projects that could ultimately transform markets such as sports and well-being, education and rehabilitation. The De Vinci Innovation Center, which started investing in cutting-edge equipment as early as 2019, is gearing up […]

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