

ESILV Graduate School of Engineering News

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Things Only Developers Can Relate To
21 May 2019 /
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Though there are hundreds and thousands of articles related to productivity tips, web glossary lists, and creativity techniques that promise to help students learn and work better, the whole purpose of this article is quite the opposite.

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IoT in Engineering and Manufacturing: The Real Impact
14 May 2019 /
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What’s the first thing that comes to mind when the words “Internet of Things” pop up? It’s probably “e-commerce”, “smart phones”, “smart homes”, “big data”, “cloud”, etc… but there’s more to it than meets the eyes; and IoT has been transforming all forms of interaction and work process, one industry at a time.

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E-PULV Vision X from Vinci Eco Drive: one step towards the Shell Eco-marathon 2021
09 May 2019 /
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Take a look at the shapes of this futurist automotive! Don’t you imagine the most beautiful models imagined by Elon Musk? E-PULV Vision X, a monocoque electric vehicle, will be ready for the Shell Eco-marathon France and Europe in 2021. By making this bet: to enter the Top 10 of the continental competition. The student […]

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Job Fairs and Engineering Candidates: Nailing the First Impression
07 May 2019 /
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Job fairs are a great opportuniy for internship or job seeking engineering students and making the right first impression is what matters most in a busy job fair. Regardless of which type of student personalities they can relate to, whether they are leaders, team players, bold, or shy; these next tips will make them memorable […]

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Big Data and Small Businesses: A Match Made in Analytics
30 Apr 2019 /
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Big data is no longer restricted to massive enterprises. Small businesses and particularly SMEs are discovering how it can increase the company’s success. If equipped with useful information, small businesses can also benefit from it to market to consumers, just like big companies do.

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Tech Leaders Live by These 3 Golden Rules
25 Apr 2019 /
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The technology industry continues to create and offer exciting opportunities, but being a tech leader of this era comes with many challenges. As users are becoming more conscious of big issues such as privacy and consumer ethics, their overall expectations are increasing when it comes to technology-based products and services. If tech leaders are centralizing […]

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2019 France Robotics Pre-Cup: High Spirits at Pole Léonard de Vinci!
23 Apr 2019 /
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The first edition of the 2019 France Robotics Pre-Cup at Pole Léonard de Vinci! A training session organized by the DaVinciBot association before the French Robotics Cup which will take place from May 30th till June 1st in La-Roche-sur-Yon, Vendée. Six engineering schools faced off, including ESILV: ENSIM, INSA, ESEO, EPITA, and IN’TECH. Each team […]

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How to work in finance with an engineering degree?
18 Apr 2019 /
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The financial sector is one of the leading private employers in France. With more than 700,000 employees, it offers positions with various profiles: financial analyst, financial engineer, financial market consultant, quantitative analyst… Finance is an industry in its own right, with complex products and processes. The world of finance needs to evolve and innovate rapidly […]

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Throwback: The 5 Engineering Breakthroughs That Changed the 21st Century
16 Apr 2019 /
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Engineering in the 21st century has undoubtedly witnessed some of the best technological innovations. Many of them made their mark on the world in just a short amount of time, so it is only fair to take a couple of minutes and remember 5 incredible engineering breakthroughs of the century. 

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Twizy Contest: The ParkPing team on the podium, winning The Best Pitch Award
11 Apr 2019 /
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Twizy Contest is a competition on the theme of tomorrow’s mobility. The ESILV ParkPing team finished finalist and climbed onto the podium. The jury also awarded the team The Best Pitch Award. Everyone knows the Twizy, this little Renault electric car for two passengers. Groupe Renault and Segula Technologies have joined their forces to launch […]

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The 5 Engineer Personalities We All Have on Our Team
09 Apr 2019 /
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Creating the perfect team of engineers is very critical for the success or failure of any project. With different types of positions and personalities working on an uncountable number of different tasks, it would be interesting to discover the different engineer profiles we can spot in every team, and the skills of each one of […]

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Prospective, how to train future leaders?
04 Apr 2019 /
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A tribune by Pascal Brouaye, Director General of Pôle Léonard de Vinci, originally published in French in Grandes Ecoles et Universités Magazine Special CEO. Great leaders are often given the first quality to have a medium and long-term vision and therefore to be able to indicate the direction to be taken. This is true at […]

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