
Set: Education

Alto-Scholarship: Open-Source Community-based Platform for Finance
16 Sep 2020 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
fbk twt

5-th year project 2019-2020 • ESILV • PI²5 ►https://bit.ly/2L323US ? Our project name is “Alto-scholarship”, it’s an Open Source platform that aims to help financial engineering students to increase their programming skills by providing them with an environment favouring the production of various financial projects. Our platform goal is to give students access to an […]

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Hololens: pedagogical activities at the hospital
15 Sep 2020 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
fbk twt

5th-year project 2019 – 2020 • ESILV • PI²5 ►https://bit.ly/2L323US ? Childhood illness results in dropouts at school, gives rise to gaps, anxiety and sometimes repeated academic failure. Sick students may lack confidence in themselves academically. They feel disadvantaged and move away from learning. However, when provided with decent numerical resources, some students faced with […]

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Voice Recognition Program for Mathematical Equations
15 Sep 2020 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
fbk twt

5-th year project 2019-2020 • ESILV • PI²5 ► https://bit.ly/2L323US ? More than 12 million people are affected by a disability in France. Among them, 390,000 are young students. Some of these handicaps, such as dyspraxia, blindness or reduced mobility, affect the teaching and learning of science in schools. For some of them, the inability […]

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