
Set: Automotive

Motor controller for the Shell Eco marathon
05 Oct 2016 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
fbk twt

4th year project, engineering school, class of 2017 Jean-Mathieu Thomas – Louis Richard – Clément Gaillot Their project Students had to conceive and assembly a motor controller that would then be used of a car created to participate in the annual Shell Eco Marathon.

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optimisation of twist beam
05 Oct 2016 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
fbk twt

4th year project, engineering school, class of 2017 Hakim Allouache – Samir Allouache – Amine Qandoussi Qu’ont-ils réalisé ? The goal of this project is to optimize the mass of twist beam in respecting the specifications. Of course optimize, but in which goal?  We often, in mechanic problems, try to reduce the mass of our […]

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optimization of the suspension triangle in a car
05 Oct 2016 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
fbk twt

4th year project, engineering school, class of 2017 Vincent Cancel – Morgan Desnier – Soufiane Kasmi – Kévin Tanguy Their project Our project, in partnership with PSA, aims to study a part of a car (the suspension triangle). We used two different methods : the finite element’s one and the iso-geometric one. We decided to […]

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