
Set: Digital

#PI²5 Augmented reality technology for the creation of a virtual miniature park
28 Mar 2022 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
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5th year Industrial Innovation Project (PI²5) of the ESILV engineering curriculum, 2021-2022. Architecture and monuments prove to be places of attractiveness for cities. Not necessarily summed up by their antiquity, monuments refer us to our collective memory. Our world and the pandemic we are going through have made our trips more difficult, even impossible. The […]

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#PI²4 Smart Farming Mobile App
27 Jan 2022 /
By Carmina Marcarian /
fbk twt

PI²4 2020-2021 :4 -th year project 2020-2021 ► https://bit.ly/2NtRKuL Smart farming is about making the farm and its workers as efficient as possible. A typical farm is quite large, and there is a lot of space to cover to make sure that everything is running smoothly, both in terms of maintenance and weather conditions. Each […]

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#PI²4 Green City Mobile App
25 Jan 2022 /
By Carmina Marcarian /
fbk twt

PI²4 2020-2021 : 4-th year project 2020-2021 ► https://bit.ly/2NtRKuL Our project is a simple and playful mobile app whose objective is to allow urban residents to make their city greener and more pleasant to live in. The application enables visualizing the locations on which everyone can act! Citizens can see their donations transformed into a […]

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#PI²4 Clement Habitation Project
27 Sep 2021 /
By Carmina Marcarian /
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Industrial Innovation Project for the 4th year of the ESILV engineering curriculum ► https://bit.ly/2NtRKuL Our project is part of a desire to revamp the user experience of the historical site of one of the most iconic distilleries in Martinique, “Rhum Clément”. Our goal was to make it more innovative, while remaining adapted to the singular […]

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Chinese Mobile Payment App-Inspired Application
23 Sep 2020 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
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5-th year project 2019-2020 • ESILV • PI²5 ►https://bit.ly/2L323US ? Our PI2 project for our 5th year at ESILV is a mobile payment application, inspired by China mobile payment giants Alipay and WeChat Pay. In China, mobile payment is widely spread across the country, more than cash payments, and represents the vast majority of transactions. […]

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Linked Data
06 Oct 2016 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
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4th year project, engineering school, class of 2017 Alexandre Brûle – Maxime Cuaboz – Hacène Kadouche – Adrian Robert – Michael Weydert Their project Linked Data, also called semantic Web, structures the web of data, by making it searchable by both humans and machines thanks to queries. Indeed, the data is stored in the form […]

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localisation and Big Data
06 Oct 2016 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
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4th year project, engineering school, class of 2017 Alice Du – Chaïma Mansouri – Laura Kim – Aldwin Perault Their project We had to develop an embed a system that will scan surrounding Wi-Fi networks and Bluetooth identifiers. Once all data are collected, they will be sent to a client to be used for different […]

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Automated financial management system
06 Oct 2016 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
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4th year project, engineering school, class of 2017 Dilan Rajaratnam –  Jonathan Vengadasalam – Vincent Millo – Jordan Dufeal Their project In partnership with Cedrus Partners, a firm specialized in financial investments for big corporations, we had to work on an automated financial management system aiming to improve the software performance via an app using […]

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Drink Safe, connected swizzle stick
05 Oct 2016 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
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4th year project, engineering school, class of 2017 Naji El Hafsi – Dalila Hamida – Silvio Sarant – Thanh Nguyen The project 100 000 women are sexually assaulted each year in France. 25% of these assaults happen after women unknownwillingly ingest drugs or alcohol. Drink safe is a connected swizzle stick allowing the drinker to […]

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Pricing of 3 Life-Insurance products
13 Jun 2016 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
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2015-2016 5th year project of the Engineering degree of ESILV, promo 2016 Yacine ASLIMI (project lead) – Robin CARREGA – Nicolas HELLIOT – Nicolas HUANG-DUBOIS What did we do ? Our ESILV fifth year pi2 project consists in the pricing of three life-insurance products, which are: survivor’s pension, survivor’s capital and death’s capital. To make […]

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