
Set: Industrie

#PI²5 Processing of cigarette butts into a renewable resource
28 Mar 2022 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
fbk twt

Smoky, a start-up launched by two former ESILV students, works around the recovery, decontamination, and treatment of used cigarette butts. Its two founders, Alexandre PERRET and Stefan PETROVIC asked us to study and design some applications using their depolluted cigarette butts as raw material. Following a review of state of the art, we focused on […]

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#PI²5 Progress of an automated construction site using 5D BIM and IoT
05 Mar 2022 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
fbk twt

The CAD.42 project aims to measure the progress of a construction site in real-time using IoT and a 5D BIM model. By proposing a Cloud solution, the group’s idea is to be able to update the schedule of a construction project automatically, thus allowing to anticipate delays and problems encountered on site. In this context, […]

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Covid-19 Decontamination Box
19 May 2021 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
fbk twt

5-th year project 2020-2021 • ESILV • PI²5 ►https://bit.ly/2L323US​ We are a team of 7 engineering students from the Pôle Léonard de Vinci passionate about new energies and digital mechanics. As part of our final year project and drawing on the skills we have acquired over these years at ESILV, we have decided to respond […]

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