
Set: PI²4

Topology Optimisation of Oil rig platforms
06 Oct 2016 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
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4th year project, engineering school, class of 2017 Antoine Youssef – Aubrey Nkunku – Ludovic Villaume Their project We were given the task of finding alternative solutions to the problems encountered in structural offshore oil rigs platforms field, in other words the topology and geometric optimization under some restrictions. Our work was divided into 3 […]

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Momentum strategy in the French stock market
06 Oct 2016 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
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4th year project, engineering school, class of 2017 Jeritiana Bizerai – Hawa Sy – Ngoc Anh Truong Their project Our goal was to establish one or more software program which would allow people to manage their portfolio thanks to momentum strategy. We also had to consider the frequency of the use of momentum strategy in […]

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Understanding the blockchain concept
06 Oct 2016 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
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4th year project, engineering school, class of 2017 Absalon Deel – Alessandro Rui – Nicolas Gheung – Adrien Ambrosini Their project We decided to launch our own crypto currency to understand the real potential of Fintech fileds and in particular the most promising one : The Blockchain. Our first task was to create our own […]

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Analysis of Bitcoin prices
06 Oct 2016 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
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4th year project, engineering school, class of 2017 Myriam Dali Ali – Terry Pasquet – Sarah Mrabet – Mehdi Tahri Their project We had to do an analysis of Bitcoin prices by studying its correlation or co-integration with other currencies or investment goods.

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Home automation management
06 Oct 2016 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
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4th year project, engineering school, class of 2017 Nicolas Devaux – Claire Jarrigue – Nicolas Mur – François Uhl Their project The goal it to find how to manage the power of a house thanks to a grid. It was to create a link between the grid and the house appliances in order to manage […]

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Linked Data
06 Oct 2016 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
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4th year project, engineering school, class of 2017 Alexandre Brûle – Maxime Cuaboz – Hacène Kadouche – Adrian Robert – Michael Weydert Their project Linked Data, also called semantic Web, structures the web of data, by making it searchable by both humans and machines thanks to queries. Indeed, the data is stored in the form […]

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localisation and Big Data
06 Oct 2016 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
fbk twt

4th year project, engineering school, class of 2017 Alice Du – Chaïma Mansouri – Laura Kim – Aldwin Perault Their project We had to develop an embed a system that will scan surrounding Wi-Fi networks and Bluetooth identifiers. Once all data are collected, they will be sent to a client to be used for different […]

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measurement of thermic data
06 Oct 2016 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
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4th year project, engineering school, class of 2017 Virgile Deroche – Thomas Homyrda – Nicolas Honoré – Benjamin Nguyen Their project The purpose of this project is to help Agronergy, a start-up specialized in boilers. We have to collect data from heat meters without going on site. To solve this problem, we developed a system […]

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Markowitz method for efficient portfolio
06 Oct 2016 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
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4th year project, engineering school, class of 2017 Yacine Belgacem – Mégane Holes – François Lebon – Antoine Palacin – Naïra Saidali Their project Markowitz is a method that consists in selecting assets, in order to build a portfolio with the best efficiency possible, as saying a maximum return with lowest risk. Therefore, this optimized […]

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Automated financial management system
06 Oct 2016 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
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4th year project, engineering school, class of 2017 Dilan Rajaratnam –  Jonathan Vengadasalam – Vincent Millo – Jordan Dufeal Their project In partnership with Cedrus Partners, a firm specialized in financial investments for big corporations, we had to work on an automated financial management system aiming to improve the software performance via an app using […]

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Energy storage through cristalline compounds
06 Oct 2016 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
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4th year project, engineering school, class of 2017 Jérémy Joubert – Jordan Cerqueira – François-Victor Nguyen – Xavier Roulin Their project The goal of this project is to help our mentor Mr Clain in his researches about TBPB Hydrates. Hydrate are cristalline compounds formed from cages of water molecules. These cristalline compounds can carry the […]

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Remote controle of Bloomberg software
05 Oct 2016 /
By Jonathan Riquier /
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4th year project, engineering school, class of 2017 Jenani Nadarajan – Guillaume Manzano – Naraini Masilamany – Fabien Dousse Their project The students had to work on an app using C# language that would enable the remote use of financial software Bloomberg.

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