
PI²5 – Year 5 Industrial Innovation Project

Projet d’Innovation Industrielle 5

The Industrial Innovation Project 5, or PI²5, takes place in the last year of the engineering cycle at ESILV, a general engineering school at the heart of digital technologies.


Year 5 – Semester 1

Groups of 4 students


Apply his engineering and project management skills

See all PI²5 projects

Submit a project


Enable students to promote their work to the outside world and increase their visibility with companies.

  • Company/laboratory/association
  • Contribution to the free world
  • Participation in a competition/event
  • Contribution to knowledge
  • Scientific Publication
  • Scientific patent

Showroom projects 2023-2024

Showroom projects 2022-2023

Showroom projects 2021-2022

Showroom projects 2018-2019

Showroom projects 2017-2018

Showroom projects 2016-2017

Showroom projects 2014-2015

Examples of partner companies

PSA Peugeot citroën – BRED Banque Populaire
HSBC – THALES – Dassault Systèmes
Groupama – AIDES – CCI Hauts de Seine
Labo EIREST – Mobile Tech People – etc.

Submit a project

Are you a company or laboratory partner of the school? Would you like to test an idea, create a prototype in collaboration with our students?
Proposing your project will allow you to cooperate with a team of innovative young people, to make yourself known to those who will respond to your internship and job offers and to contribute to their training.

Project Calendar

  • Until the end of August – Project proposals from partners
  • September- Students choose projects and launch them.
  • October – Rendering of specifications
  • November – Progress defense
  • end of January – Final defense

Submit a project

  • ALTAIR Landing - Required conditions for an emergency water landing
    Voice Recognition Program for Mathematical Equations
    #PI²5 MES System Migration in Pharma & Biotech
    Scoring Credit - Algorithm with multiple variables to measure credit risk
  • Data Exploration on Airbnb Paris through user behaviour analytics
    #PI²5 Tracking of Alzheimer's patients
    Provisioning and the contributions of the future insurance
    Merton Please Tell Me - Computing for companies potential risks
  • Determination of the Impact of ICS Norm
    #PI²5 Quant trading: pattern strategies design, machine learning approach
    Simulation of the long-term yield curve
    MeetYourStudent - Platform for college students and professionals

View all PI²5 projects

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